OEWG4 CBD Alliance - Closing Statement
Thank you Co Chair,
Dear delegates,
Do you really appreciate the magnitude of the biodiversity crisis we are in? If you did, the work of the past week would have reflected that. We, members of the CBD-Alliance, are here to remind you that there is no time to waste.
It is outrageous that the three objectives of the Convention are being constantly undermined and even CBDR, which enjoys universal adherence, is denied by rich countries. Some Parties are doing all to accommodate their specific interests without willingness to compromise on language that solves the global biodiversity crisis. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Why is it such a struggle to incorporate universal concepts such as human rights, IPLCs rights, gender, justice and equity? We have tirelessly raised these issues, only to see them thrown out, often through informal discussions. In contrast, false solutions such as techno-fixes and offsetting seem to have a free pass. As it stands, the GBF is a mess.
The process is frustrating. There is an imbalance between the ease with which NEW language from developed countries is included in the text, while developing countries are denied the opportunity.
The pandemic has shown that there is no international solidarity, it is only about money. Will we further weaken our whole multilateral system with an empty GBF? Trust needs to be rebuilt with real actions.
We refuse to be put on the side of the pessimists, this is about facts, urgency and action. We are called observers, but we do more than just observe. We bring the voices of those who are actually protecting biodiversity. We are not second class participants, and our participation must not be restricted at COP 15. You must listen to IPLCs, environmental defenders, youth, women, smallholder farmers and fisherfolks.
We are also deeply concerned with the level of corporate influence in the CBD. Corporations are not people and they don't need more power. Their interests should never outweigh the needs of rights holders.
So. Dear delegates:
Are you up to the challenge? The world is watching us and will judge us accordingly. We can still have meaningful results at the COP. Don´t mess it up.